Triple P Parenting

in Rotherham

Triple P gives parents simple tips to help manage the big and small problems of family life!

Triple P makes positive parenting and supporting your child’s developing mind and wellbeing so much easier, with free, online programmes! Get useful tips and ideas to help you raise happy, healthy children and teenagers who achieve their goals. Enjoy family life more and reduce your own stress, too.

The Triple P – Positive Parenting Program® offers FREE online help to parents and carers of children up to 16 years in Rotherham. This is thanks to Rotherham’s Early Help Service, an initiative of Rotherham Council dedicated to supporting happy, healthy children, families and communities.

There are four free online programmes. These programmes don’t ‘tell you what to do’ – they give you a toolbox of ideas. You choose the strategies you need. You choose how you want to use them.

  • Triple P Online supports parents of young children (under 12). Guide behaviour positively, set up routines and rules more easily, and have a calmer household.
  • Teen Triple P Online supports parents of tweens and teens aged 10 to 16, to raise responsible, confident teenagers. Enjoy a closer bond with your child and help them get ready for adulthood.
  • Fear-Less Triple P Online supports parents of children aged 6 to 14 with frequent worries/anxiety. Help children reduce anxiety and become more independent with proven tools and techniques.
  • Family Transitions Triple P Online supports parents going through separation or divorce. Learn proven ways to help children adjust, build stability, co-parent effectively and evolve in your new family dynamic.

These programmes are easy to do online on your computer or phone. You can do them at home and at your own pace. You can also get extra free support from a trained worker as you work through an online programme.

Start the quick survey below and we’ll help match you to the programme that best meets your needs, so you can start enjoying the positive changes!

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